
John Barnes is the leading authority on Myofascial Release. He is an internationally-recognized Physical Therapist, author and lecturer. Through his 50 years of experience, he has developed a highly effective whole-body approach to healing. Find out more here:

The Warrior Recovery Network is a nation-wide resource in which veterans can be treated by qualified Myofascial Release therapists free of charge. Check the website for a participating therapist near you.

Read more about the benefits of massage therapy:
Massage Therapy
Mayo Clinic
Web MD

Learn to live a healthier, more balanced life at:


“Your Vagus nerve, which travels from your brain to your belly, is one of the most overlooked secrets to better health. It regulates digestion, blocks stress, causes happiness, supports immunity, optimizes your cardio health, and more.” 
~ Sadie Nardini


“The body does not know how to lie, it is talking all the time. It talks through smell, taste, feel, action, withdrawal, anger, joy, so many ways. From alignment to right relationship, internally and externally, every part of the body has a message. When one or more are ‘out’ or ‘off’, our work is to connect, open, close, empower, allow the body to re-organize and retrieve itself. One of the main teachings of our elders is that the person we are working on is the greatest healer in their life, it is not us doing the healing work.”
~ Atarangi Muru, New Zealand Maori Healer